Fingerprint readers

Fingerprint scanners are security systems of biometrics. They are used in police stations, security industries, smartphones, and other mobile devices.


Everyone has patterns of friction ridges on their fingers, and it is this pattern that is called the fingerprint. Fingerprints are uniquely detailed, durable over an individual’s lifetime, and difficult to alter. Because there are countless combinations, fingerprints have become an ideal means of identification.

Types of fingerprint scanners

There are four types of fingerprint scanners: the optical scanner, the capacitance scanner, the ultrasonic scanner, and the thermal scanner. The basic function of every type of scanner is to obtain an image of a person’s fingerprint and find a match for it in its database. The measure of the fingerprint image quality is in dots per inch (DPI)

  1. Optical scanners take a visual image of the fingerprint using a digital camera.
  2. Capacitive or CMOS scanners use capacitors and thus electrical current to form an image of the fingerprint. This type of scanner tends to excel in terms of precision.
  3. Ultrasonic fingerprint scanners use high-frequency sound waves to penetrate the epidermal (outer) layer of the skin.
  4. Thermal scanners sense the temperature differences on the contact surface, in between fingerprint ridges and valleys                 All fingerprint scanners are susceptible to be fooled by a technique that involves photographing fingerprints, processing the photographs using special software, and printing fingerprint replicas using a 3D printer

Identity Verification Solutions

From eID we offer KYC (Know Your Customer), customer onboarding and digital identity solutions and services that help our customers to provide theirs a unique, simple, frictionless, high-security experience that meets the highest standards required in international regulations. AML (Anti-Money Laundering) and eIDAS (Electronic Identification, Authentication and etrust Services) regulations are remodeling the market by allowing customer acquisition processes to be reduced from weeks to seconds to, for example, open a bank account online with total security and complying with the law.

Our Video IDentification, Advanced and Qualified Electronic Signature, and Facial Biometric Authentication services are transforming the way in which companies and customers interact. Current eKYC solutions, powered by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning allow businesses in any sector, such as banking, insurance, financial and investment services, to be digitally transformed, reduce digital customer onboarding costs and grow by offering a unique user experience.

AML | Anti-Money Laundering

Electronic Signature

Video IDentification

Video IDentification

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